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Multi-agent diagnosis systems in industry

M.A. Sanz-Bobi, E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, J. Villar, S. Revuelta, A. Kazi

1st IFAC Workshop on Multi-Agent-Systems in Production - MAS '99, Viena (Austria). 02-04 diciembre 1999


This paper describes the application of a multi-agent architecture in industry. This perspective is part of the ESPRIT project named DIAMOND. its objective is the integration of several single monitoring and diagnosis (M&D) sysatems into one global system, enabling the M&D systems to co-operate. Two industrial applications will demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of the DIAMOND system.

Palabras clave: Diagnosis, monitoring, production plant, power generation, multi-agent system

Fecha de publicación: 1999-12-02.

M.A. Sanz-Bobi, E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, J. Villar, S. Revuelta, A. Kazi, Multi-agent diagnosis systems in industry, 1st IFAC Workshop on Multi-Agent-Systems in Production - MAS '99, Viena (Austria). 02-04 diciembre 1999.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Inteligencia artificial aplicada al mantenimiento, diagnostico y fiabilidad

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